Methane Leadership Summit 2024.

June 18, 2024: For historical purposes only

Event Guide

Student Poster Session Agenda

PTAC, in collaboration with CRIN, is thrilled to announce that we will be hosting the Methane Leadership Summit in 2024. Building upon the success of our annual methane forum launched in 2018, this captivating 2-day event will be held on April 17 & 18, 2024, at the prestigious Rimrock Resort Hotel in Banff, Alberta.

The Methane Leadership Summit serves as a platform to bring together a wide range of stakeholders from the oil and gas industry. Participants will include government organizations, regulatory bodies, oil and gas producing companies, service and supply companies, research centers, and academic institutions. The summit will focus on addressing the significant challenges faced by the Canadian oil and gas industry in achieving methane emissions reduction targets. In an era where methane reductions are paramount, PTAC recognizes the need for urgent action within the oil and gas industry. The reduction targets set for the Canadian oil and gas sector demand aggressive and swift action from all industry players. Achieving these targets necessitates mass collaborative innovation and progressive measures.

The Methane Leadership Summit will play a critical role in facilitating necessary collaborative dialogues among key experts in the methane space. It will provide a platform for sharing knowledge and insights, as well as fostering tangible actions focused on technology innovation and implementing new practices. By doing so, we aim to assist the oil and gas industry in achieving its reduction targets.

Professional development certificates are available for all attendees. Please contact PTAC ( for more details.

For more information regarding the 2024 Methane Leadership Forum, please contact Braden Kimoff ( or Christine Hoeppner (