Company Type | Company |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Government | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Research Provider | Strategic Timelines |
Service and Supply | National Silicates |
Individual | Kyle Duan |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Learning Institution | |
Learning Institution | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Research Provider | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Learning Institution | |
Learning Institution | McGill University Subsurface Hydrology & Environmental Analysis Laboratory (SHEAL) |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Reasearch Providers | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
EPC | Worley Parsons Canada Services Ltd. |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Transportation – Midstream | TransCanada Pipelines Limited |
Producer | |
Individual | Shunde Yin – University of Waterloo |
Service and Supply | |
Government | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Individual | Dr. Hafez Balavi |
Government | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | First Step Analytics Inc. |
Learning Institution | |
Government | |
Government | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Individual | Canadian Eagle |
Government | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Government | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Association | |
Association | |
Government | |
Government | |
Government | |
Government | |
Research Provider | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Transportation/Midstream | |
Service and Supply | |
Association | |
Individual | Bob Mick |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Research Providers | |
Service and Supply | |
Association | |
Producer | |
Learning Institution | |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Research Providers | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Association | |
Individual | Dave Rushford |
Service and Supply | |
Individual | Earle Shirley |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Individual | Eric Lloyd |
Association | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Venture Capital | |
Service and Supply | |
Research Providers | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Research Providers | |
Service and Supply | |
Individual | Ken Putt |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Individual | Murray Todd |
Research Providers | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Research Providers | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Learning Institution | |
Service and Supply | |
Individual | Schooner Consulting – Larry Frederick |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Research Providers | |
Producer | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Learning Institution | |
Learning Institution | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Service and Supply | |
Company Type | Company |