PTAC Member Event: Fugitive methane emissions – Technology to monitor and fix leaks faster.

June 18, 2024: For historical purposes only


Canadian oil and gas producers are under immense pressure to reduce methane emissions in 2023. With incoming new regulations and an increase in inspection activity from regulators, producers must routinely demonstrate compliance and find a way to do so consistently, and economically across operating areas. Are your oil and gas operations equipped to efficiently manage fugitive emissions and lower your compliance risk this year? Join our free upcoming webinar featuring EZ Ops and Horizon Compliance on Fugitive methane emissions: Technology to monitor and fix leaks faster. You’ll learn:

  • Current and future regulatory requirements on fugitive emissions in Canada
  • Best practices for emissions reporting and what to capture to prove compliance
  • How field operations help get fugitive emissions compliance right
  • How technology can equip operations teams to proactively monitor, repair and report on fugitive methane emissions

About the Speakers

Hillary Yeung is a subject matter expert in emissions quantification for regulated reporting programs both provincially and federally. Hillary is the Co-Founder and Principal Manager, Emissions & Sustainability at Horizon Compliance. Throughout her career, Hillary has guided the oil and gas, power generation, and industrial industries in managing and reducing their carbon liabilities. She is a Professional Engineer (P.Eng) and holds a Bachelor of Applied Sciences (B.A.Sc) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo.

Patrick Herren has been operating oil and gas assets for the past decade and knows firsthand the demands of the job working in the oil patch as a former production operator. Pat leads EZ Ops’ onboarding and training team, providing responsive helpful service that has earned EZ Ops a 100% adoption track record in the field.

Jordan Seib leads business development at the EZ Ops Group of Companies. He helps E&Ps, O&G facilities, and service companies to effectively and efficiently implement technology solutions to achieve their goals. Jordan’s strong background in oil and gas helps him translate the needs of his clients. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology and has 8 years of experience as a Wellsite Geologist.