Technology and Pilot Testing Evaluation Process

Keith Minnich, P.Eng., and Jana Vander Kloet, Third Bay

December 15, 2015

Executive Summary

The goal of this project is to provide guidance, in the form of templates with supporting discussion, to the design of pilot tests so that the results of the testing provide an unambiguous indication of the suitability of the technology for the intended purpose. A key concept in this document is that the design and evaluation of a pilot test must be conducted with an understanding of the commercial scale system.

The goals of a pilot test program may include one or more of the following:

  • Proof of concept of a new process
  • Proof concept of a new type of equipment
  • Demonstration of an existing technology in a new application
  • Develop information for confirming or scaling up to a commercial design:
    • Consumables (e.g. chemicals, power)
    • Equipment sizing criteria (e.g. membrane flux)
    • Rates of fouling/scaling

The criteria used for the design and evaluation of the pilot test are derived from the goals. These criteria become the basis for formalizing the Success Criteria of the pilot test program. If the testing is conducted by a technology provider, the Success Criteria should be incorporated into the Terms and Conditions of the pilot program contract.

Main Body of Report

Technical Appendices

Full Report