Re-Evaluation of F2 and F3 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Management Limits

Primary Research Organization: Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd.

Start Date: July 2021

Anticipated End Date: June 2024


Project Summary and Scope of Work

Management limits for petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) fractions were established to indicate concentrations where factors other than toxicity, such as aesthetics, mobile free-phase formation and explosion hazards may be of concern. Two sets of management limits for PHC fractions F2 and F3 are currently applicable in Alberta, one set in the Tier 1 guidelines document (AEP, 2022) applicable to all land uses, and one set specific to remote parts of the Green Area (ESRD, 2014). The existing management limits are based on consideration of a range of factors. This project will examines the scientific basis for the management limits assessed for each of these factors, reports on additional research and analysis completed to refine the understanding of these factors and makes recommendations for updated F2 and F3 management limits.