Water Innovation Planning Committee (WIPC).

The Water Innovation Planning Committee (WIPC) is an important technical committee that supports the Alberta Upstream Petroleum Research Fund (AUPRF) Program. Their work is dedicated to providing credible and relevant information that addresses knowledge gaps related to water issues in upstream oil and natural gas development. They focus on identifying key challenges for the energy sector in managing water across the spectrum, including sourcing, storage, transport, treatment, recycling/reuse, and disposal. By working towards the development of shared research, WIPC supports work to help manage high-priority environmental matters related to water.


WIPC Committee Members

Name Company Name
Alexandra Robertson Alberta Energy Regulator
Geoff Webb Canadian Natural Resources Limited
Guillaume Lafond  Ovintiv
Jarred Anstett Murphy Oil
Joey Hurley Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Matt Mclean Cenovus
Michael Bevan Alberta Energy Regulator
Michelle Morris Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Natasha Rowden MEG Energy
Paul Martin ConocoPhillips
Rodney Guest Suncor
Sarah Belak Tourmaline Oil
Scott Hillier Cenovus
Scott Rayner MEG Energy
Susan Satterthwaite Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Tara Payment Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers


Current Policy Issues and Knowledge Gaps

Policy Issue Knowledge Gaps
Safeguarding groundwater and surface water quantity and quality
  • Standardized methodology for assessing borrow pits that did not obtain Water Act approval prior to construction that would identify any potential impacts on the surrounding landscape or downstream water bodies.
    • This data would then inform the regulator’s consideration regarding whether the water body could be used as a water source by industry, or whether further work is required to bring the pit into compliance and/or if reclamation is required.
  • Treatment of sour water
Enabling the use of alternative water sources to high-quality non-saline water
  • Water allocation procedures to make allocations intra-year more flexible to deal with scarcity / regulations to the actual volume or the allocated amount
    • Market based or regulated?