Decision framework and support tools for assessing padded well sites and access roads on public land – Agenda.

2:00 p.m. (MST) Introduction


Moderator: Allan Fogwill, COO, PTAC

2:05 p.m. (MST) Project Context


Presenter: Susan McGillivray, Manager Reclamation, Remediation, and Pesticides, Alberta Environment and Protected Areas

2:10 p.m. (MST) Project Summary

Presenter: Bonnie Drozdowski, Executive Director, Environmental and Bio-Industrial Service, InnoTech Alberta

2:15 p.m. (MST) Framework and Decision Support Tools Overview

Presenter: Chris Powter, Owner, Enviro Q&A Services

2:45 p.m. (MST) Case Studies

Presenter: Dean MacKenzie, Vice President, Environment (Growth and Innovation), Vertex Resource Group Ltd.

3:15 p.m. (MST) Q&A
3:45 p.m. (MST) Closing Remarks
4:00 p.m. (MST) Virtual Webinar Adjourned