PTAC Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Results

Published on: June 18, 2024

A stakeholder satisfaction survey was fielded from January 22 to February 16, 2024.  It involved asking our mailing list of 5100 stakeholders a range of questions from general satisfaction with PTAC to specific requests for ideas for improvement. There were 77 respondents.

Overview of Results

  1. General satisfaction with PTAC by our stakeholders was quite strong at 82%. These results are higher than most stakeholder satisfaction results. This is 2% lower than in 2023; however, it is within the range of uncertainty (approximately ± 5%), so the results this year show stability compared to last year.
  2. While there is room for improvement, the responses were very supportive and positive. The one noticeable decrease in support is regarding PTAC’s communications. The drop in satisfaction was from 82% in 2023 to 72% in 2024. Much of this centred on the need to disseminate research results more effectively.
  3. Respondents overwhelmingly agreed (84%) that PTAC’s role is essential as a centre for methane research and encouraged PTAC to increase its international focus.

Finally, respondents suggested that PTAC increase the available funds for research.  Comments noted the need for research support is growing. Rest assured, PTAC is working continuously to secure more funds to support technology development within the oil and gas sector. As we expand our efforts in this area, we will also expand our communications efforts to inform industry, government and other stakeholders of the solutions being developed through innovative collaboration.