SLR: Request for eDNA samples for Canadian Toads

Published on: June 18, 2024

SLR Consulting has been funded by the Alberta Upstream Petroleum Research Fund (AUPRF) and managed by PTAC to develop an eDNA molecular test to streamline the detection of Canadian Toads using environmental samples across their range in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. While the researchers plan to collect numerous samples directly, they are looking for as many samples as possible across the Prairies to validate the tests.

As such, the SLR team has asked PTAC to put out a call for samples. They are looking for help from all consultants, operators, and naturalists in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba to collect buccal (mouth) swab samples from toads within their range. If you’re interested and able to contribute, please contact Stephen Symes ( for kits and instructions. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated and will significantly contribute to the success of this project.

SLR Consulting is a global environmental consultancy providing tailored environmental and engineering services across six industry sectors, including Energy, Industry, Infrastructure, Mining & Minerals, Built Environment, and Power.