Electric Dump Valve Actuator (EDVA) Steering Committee

Used to provide process control for flow rate, pressure, and temperature, pneumatic devices contribute to methane emissions in the Canadian oil and gas sector. The objective of this project was to complete, based on an initial proof of concept, the prototype design and testing of an affordable electric dump valve actuator (EDVA). It involved the design, fabrication, shop tests, and field tests of a zero-emission, affordable, and fail-safe electric dump valve actuator to replace existing pneumatic valves.

The Fail-Safe EDVA will enable the replacement of existing pneumatic valve actuators, which cause some methane emissions in production sites across Canada (i.e., British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba). Completing the project offers the opportunity for greenhouse gas emissions reductions, contributing to Canadian targets for emissions reductions. This project was completed in 2023.


EDVA Steering Committee Members

Name Company Name
Brad Morello Shell
Brian Van Vliet Spartan Controls
Charles Whitehead Linear Motion Technologies
Jim Wilson Linear Motion Technologies
Owen Henshaw Cenovus Energy
Patrick Kitchin Whitecap Resources
Ray Lambert Cenovus Energy
Ronda Foster Linear Motion Technologies
Sean Hiebert Cenovus Energy
Wes Barret Linear Motion Technologies