Methane Consortia Program (MCP) Steering Committee.

In our constant endeavour to lower methane emissions through innovation, PTAC – along with Alberta Environment and Protected Areas – formed the Methane Consortia Program. This collaborative committee promotes the deployment of innovation within the Alberta oil and gas sector.

The Program will increase market uptake of commercial technologies to reduce methane emissions by leveraging the deployment of methane projects in the PTAC inventory. The outcome will be building capacity for the sector to deliver GHG reductions and developing new technologies for energy efficiency and methane emissions reductions that will create opportunities. Project participants consist of Alberta oil and gas producers and technology providers. In 2022-23, 13 subprojects were completed. Up to now MCP has completed 101 subprojects.


MCP Steering Committee Members

Name Company Name
Chris Hugenholtz University of Calgary
Gerald Palanca Alberta Energy Regulator
Heather Carmichael Environment and Protected Areas
Monica Micak Environment and Protected Areas