Catalytic Oxidizer Performance Test

Saskatchewan Research Council 

CanERIC Program

March 31, 2022


Executive Summary

While the use of catalytic type heater pads is not new in the oil industry, the use of those catalytic pads to mitigate Surface Casing Vent Flows (SCVF) has not been tested before. This project was intended to test the robustness of this technology’s ability to destruct methane and to test the durability of the design and operation of this technology on an actual SCVF.

SRC, on behalf of the CanERIC consortium, measured the destruction efficiency of a Metan catalytic methane abatement system. The project was split over two phases – the first phase consisted of lab testing to measure the methane destruction efficiency under controlled conditions. The second phase took place at a suspended well site to test methane destruction efficiency in a real-world setting.


CanERIC Final Report – Final Report