Public Perceptions on Fresh Water Use for Hydraulic Fracturing of the Duvernay Shale Gas Formation, Kaybob Area, Alberta

Emily Ann Jobson, Dr. Robert Scace (Thesis Supervisor President, Scace Environmental Advisors, Inc.), Chris Ling (Thesis Coordinator, School of Environment and Sustainability), and Matthew Heinz (Dean Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences), Royal Roads University

September 2013



The thesis research examined localized socio-environmental perceptions related to amplified fresh water requirements for hydraulic fracturing and subsequent flowback disposal activities. These requirements are associated with increasing shale gas development in the Duvernay formation, located within the Kaybob region of West-central Alberta, Canada. Fresh water refers to surface and groundwater with a total dissolved solids concentration of less than 4,000 ppm. Through recourse to a mixed methods approach, combined with triangulation as a method of further validation, the research demonstrates that there exists a public sensitivity related to fresh water use in the Kaybob region. This sensitivity arises from increasing development activities in the Duvernay shale gas formation. The thesis presents conclusions and recommendations whereby industry may address stakeholder concerns, and provides advice for future research.

Keywords: shale gas, hydraulic fracturing, fresh water, public perceptions, triangulation, mixed methods.

Main Body of Report

Technical Appendices

Full Report

# 09-9212-50