Reuse of Flowback and Produced Water for Hydraulic Fracturing in Tight Oil

Roberta Wasylishen, Waste Water Technologist & Sarah Fulton, Water Coordinator, Environment and Reclamation, Penn West Exploration

June 28, 2012



The objective of the Reuse of Flowback & Produced Water for Hydraulic Fracturing in Tight Oil assessment is to evaluate potential opportunities to reduce freshwater consumption and waste through reuse of produced and/or flowback waters as sources of base fluid for hydraulic fracturing. The evaluation requires quantification and characterization of various tight oil hydraulic fracturing flowback and produced waters and characterization of the desired quality of the base fluid for reuse. This information is used to evaluate integrated treatment technology objectives for water reuse in multi-stage hydraulic fracturing applications within tight oil resource plays. This evaluation framework will assist industry peers in developing enhanced water treatment and recycling best practices in similar applications.

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