Validation of Reduced Spacing from Residences for Enclosed Combustors

Saskatchewan Research Council

October 2019




SRC has provided independent third-party field testing on the BGR 36 LP Combustor, including dispersion modeling, safety review, and validation services. Nuisance testing determined no measurable light was emitted from the combustor, and the noise generated was less than that of the existing equipment on site. Methane destruction efficiency was calculated at >99.99% for the 100% load runs and between 45% and 54% on average for the 10% load runs. The results of the dispersion modelling indicate compliance with published standards. From the safety review completed by SRC, the BGR-36LP appears to meet the requirements of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. The methane destruction efficiency during the 10% load tests was lower than the 99% or greater required in several jurisdictions. This result is discussed, and suggestions made for further work, should the project stakeholders wish to assess the technology further.


Executive Summary

Full Report

