Gas Mapping LiDAR Aerial Verification Program

Doug Hunter, VP Systems R&D, LiDAR Services International Inc. and Mike Thorpe, PhD, CTO, Bridger Photonics Ltd.


Executive Summary

The oil & gas industry and the environmental community are specifically considered by this report, which introduces and evaluates the Bridger Photonics Airborne Gas Mapping LiDAR (GML) sensor. GML is a Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) sensor that performs remote measurements of methane gas concentrations, methane emission rates and 3D terrain topography from an aircraft platform, helicopter or fixed wing. GML is intended to be an efficient and cost effective tool for detecting, quantifying and prioritizing the repair and/or mitigation of methane leaks over large geographic areas. This report summarizes the results of the first flight tests performed with the GML from a fixed wing aircraft, conducted in September 2017.

These tests, sponsored by the Petroleum Technology Association of Canada (PTAC) and the Alberta Upstream Petroleum Research Fund (AUPRF), successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of the GML sensor. The data reflects its scientific and field operations capabilities for comprehensive identification, visualization and reporting of methane emissions 1 m3/day and larger.

Summaries of the objectives, tests and results of the program follow, as well as LSI’s conclusions regarding the optimal and immediate implementation of the sensor for emissions monitoring and mapping.

Full Report

# 17-ARPC-03