Bin Xu (PhD, NSERC IRCC) and Melanie Bird (BSc.), NAIT Boreal Research Institute
March 2016
We conducted a full peatland assessment using the new criteria on a restored well pad near Peace River, Alberta. In 2012, mineral overburden was removed along with geo-textile and the buried peat was fluffed and gently packed to the surrounding peatland elevation, followed by donor moss transfer. We found that after three years post revegetation, the average peatland species cover is close to 60% for all grids surveyed. Landscape assessment showed no presence of open water or upland features although areas near the main entrance are seasonally flooded and remained wetter than the remainder of the pad throughout the seasons. Vegetation assessment found greater undesirable species cover in these wetter areas where no donor moss material was transferred, leaving the site open to invasion by undesirable species such as cattail. These areas also failed the woody species criterion without tree establishment due to wetness. However, only 1 out of the 9 grids failed the undesirable cover criterion (27%; where 20% = fail). Out of a possible 45 parameter points, our site scored 40 points, exceeding the 36 required to pass. We will discuss the process for the site evaluation based on the methods outlined in the criteria and our assessment of the methodology in terms of clarity, scientific rigor, and most importantly, ease of use. Three new peatland reclamation trials have been initiated since 2015 using modified approaches from the first trial. We will discuss how we developed our reclamation approaches to address key areas in the criteria to meet the certification requirements in the future. Survey templates and technical notes for practitioners are also included as part of this final report.
# 15-ERPC-11