United Nations Environment Programme Accelerating Methane and Black Carbon Reductions from Oil and Natural Gas Production Project – Component on Technology Demonstration and Evaluation for the Recovery of Hydrocarbon Liquids

PTAC Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada

November 2015


Executive Summary

PTAC, in conjunction with the United Nation’s Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) launched a project which accelerates methane and black carbon reductions from oil and natural gas operations. The project seeks to recover high value and readily condensable liquids from vented or flared volatile organic compound (VOC) rich associated gas. The recovered liquids could be integrated into the existing liquids production and processing infrastructure and add potentially significant revenues and profits while measurably and verifiably reducing emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SCLPs), most notably black carbon and methane.

The project’s activities and associated information platform are designed to create lasting institutional capacity for awareness raising, capacity building, knowledge exchange, networking of sector actors and the development of a public and private infrastructure to enable catalytic change within the oil and gas sector in a manner that supports the continuous commitment to long-term emission reduction goals.

The project also supports scaling-up the commercial deployment and dissemination of emerging leading-edge technologies for hydrocarbon liquid recovery that would otherwise not be exploited due to the use of conventional equipment and a limited understanding of the field.
In addition, the project also furthers the increased dissemination of knowledge regarding the emergence of increasingly cost effective and scalable technologies for hydrocarbon liquid recovery at smaller operational nodes in the upstream production industry where economically recoverable volumes of readily condensable liquid hydrocarbon commodities were not previously considered to exist.

A significant component of the demonstration phase of this project will involve addressing opportunities to cost effectively reduce SLCP emissions, deploy liquid recovery technologies and emerging technologies to quantify the reduced SLCP emissions resulting from implementation, and apply rigorous petroleum accounting and economics practices to verify all costs and payback periods.


Black Carbon Measurements in Mexico and Ecuador

Final Report



Global Gas Flaring Web Platform

Final Report

Technical Note – Sources of Data

Technical Note – Assessing Black Carbon

Factsheet 1

Factsheet 1.2

Factsheet 1.3

Factsheet 2