Evaluation of Emission Quantification Technologies

University of Waterloo, Arolytics Inc., CMC Research Institutes

Interim Reports – Full Project Closure Estimated December 2023




The overall objective of this research is to survey candidate methane emissions quantification technologies and assess their performance under a range of industrially relevant scenarios. A key focus is placed on the estimation of uncertainty, which is endemic to emissions quantification. Research tasks are divided into four phases: Phase 1 is a survey of candidate emission quantification technologies available to industry and their overall capability and suitability for various emissions scenarios; Phase 2 assesses the performance of candidate technologies through simulations and laboratory-scale measurements; Phase 3 is the planning and execution of field campaigns; and Phase 4 focuses on data analysis and detailed uncertainty quantification.


First Interim Report

Executive Summary

Full Report 

Report Body



Second Interim Report

Executive Summary – 2

Full Report – 2

Report Body – 2

Appendices – 2